Joyride Pup of The Month

Introducing Bubba, Joyride's Pup of the Month

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Introducing Bubba, an essential part of the Joyride team and the snuggliest pup around! This cutie belongs to the wonderful human Marie Hastreiter, our head of HR. This week I got to take a walk with Bubba, and get the inside scoop on his day to day life. Check out the interview below!

EC: Hi Bubba! So what do you do in your K9 role at Joyride?

B: Hi!! Nice to meet ya! (Bubbas tail is wagging at record speed) As Director of PUPerations, I oversee ensuring all dog perks in the office are keeping us K9 squad members wagging our tail. Clean dog beds, fresh water, many pets, and the occasional human treat.

EC: Wow, that’s a big responsibility! What’s your favorite activity?

B: Playing with my brother, Steve (a fellow K9, not human, despite common belief). I beat him in shuffleboard every time.

EC: What's your favorite human food snack?

B: Cheese, Duh! Born and raised in Wisconsin. #Packers4lyfe *Bubba pulls out a giant wheel of cheddar out of literally nowhere and takes a ginormous bite while keeping eye contact*

EC: Obviously, I should have known that! Which Joyride core value do you relate to most and why?

B: Definitely Innovate Big and Small because I always find clever new ways of finding human food and sniffing the most amazing smells... woahhhh, right now now I’m getting chocolate and caramel, with a hint of citrus. Must be Joyride’s espresso blend. *Bubba slowly slides an index card back under his paw and shrugs* What? I’m trying to get you guys to sponsor me.

EC: Ya know I’m not sure our products are made for you. Going off that, favorite Joyride Beverage?

B: I hear the cold brew is amazing but my humans won't let me have it... they say I already have too much energy... (sighs) silly humans. 

EC: Tell me a fun fact about yourself.

B: I was rescued by my humans! The local shelter found me abandoned in a home, and they saved me! I love them so so much!!!!

*At this point, Bubba became so excited talking about his love for his humans that we had to cease the interview*

By Emily Cohen, NYC Intern & Marie Hastreiter, Head of HR