Drink Joyride

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Joyride goes to the Queens Tech Meetup

Last night, as part of our sponsorship for Coalition for Queens, we went to Long Island City for the Queens tech meetup. First off I apologize, but the camera ran out of batteries, so I could only snap off a few shots.  Now I love Queens: both my parents lived here, I live in Astoria, the food is phenomenal and rent isn't stupidly expensive.  So maybe I'm a bit biased, but I found it exciting to see Queens moving into its own and developing in a hub for some really damn cool stuff.  With the Cornell Applied Sciences School coming to Roosevelt Island, its hard to see how the tech scene in Queens can do anything BUT expand.  But on to the event.  The space was great (a huge rooftop right off the Pulowski Bridge) and included a Q&A with a dude from VC, a Skillshare (Joyride Customer) presentation, and a look at an underground advertising campaign by OKFOC.US that tells you if there is a cat in the picture.   It was a good time with some beers, and of course our cold-brew (of the available brews, negro-modelo came out as the favorite to mix), even if the weather looked like the end of the world was imminent and lightening kept flashing for the full two hours.

We got to see some familiar faces.  Barrel, the team that designed our new website and a Joyride drinker, had a few faces present, while Jessica, a key force behind the 25,000 strong New York tech meetup stopped by.  We also got to chat cold-brew with a member of the Meetup team, to see how our cold-brew there stacked up against the stuff we bring to their office.  We also met some really cool new people, including the team at Monseuir Igloo, a startup digital agency working out of Forest Hills (again, because Queens is awesome).

Anyhow, here are  a few photos.

Queens Tech Meetup (1 of 3)

Queens Tech Meetup (2 of 3)

Queens Tech Meetup (3 of 3)

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